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以下文章內容引用至:SunnyPie(阿餅)的部落格 April 2, 2008 當哈利碰上貝蒂 – 戚風蛋糕的由來

傳聞在1927年,一位洛杉機保險經紀人哈利貝克 (Harry Baker) 發明了最早的戚風蛋糕。 

這人的姓氏貝克(Baker)原意正是烘焙師傅,是否他 的 祖先就是以烘焙為業,我們不得而知,但他也真的將以烘焙而留 名青史。



Chiffon Cake 
In the late '20s,word trickled out of California of a high-rising new cake that melted in your mouth. Its creator, a Los Angeles insurance salesman and hobby cook named Harry Baker, was soon baking his "Chiffon cake" for fancy Hollywood functions as well as for the Brown Derby restaurants. But he wouldn't divulge his recipe until General Mills paid him for it in 1947 . The "secret ingredient," it turned out, was vegetable oil. General Mills home economists went to work fine-tuning Baker's chiffon cake recipe, experimenting with different flavors. The company printed the basic recipe (plus many variations) in a leaflet in 1948 and again in 1950 in Betty Crocker's Picture Cookbook,calling this the "first new cake in a hundred years" and describing it as "light as angel food, rich as butter cake."



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