
瑞士捲它是戚風蛋糕(sponge cake)的一種,最先由瑞士傳入美國, 台灣是在民國50年代由"美國小麥協會"為了推廣美國的麵粉,才 大力推廣此類糕點到台灣. 口味樸實且有深度、看似簡單其實藏有無窮的變化魔力,瑞士捲就是這樣一道魅惑人心與味蕾的神奇甜點。並不需要太多的材料與工具,也不用複雜繁瑣的製作過程就能完成的瑞士捲,以麵粉、雞蛋與糖做成的「底層蛋糕」與各種口味「奶油內餡」就能交叉組合成無限多種的口味。

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Swiss roll or jelly roll is a type of sponge cake roll. The thin cake is made of eggs, flour and sugar and baked in a very shallow rectangular baking tray, called a sheet pan. The cake is removed from the pan and spread with jam  or butter cream, rolled up, and served in circular slices.

The origins of the term "Swiss" roll are unclear and the cake originated in Central Europe and not Switzerland. It is a traditional German, Hungarian and probably Austrian type of cake. The shape of the Swiss roll has inspired usage of the term as a descriptive term in other fields, such as in opt


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