「波士頓派」(Boston Cream Pie)。
1855年,波士頓派首次出現在「紐約通訊報」刊登的食譜上,當年被稱為「布丁派蛋糕」,最大的特色就是利用糖粉裝飾蛋糕表面。隔年,波士頓派正式在波士頓誕生,由The Parker House Hotel (現今的Omni Parker House Hotel)法籍主廚改良研發出「巧克力奶油派」,在波士頓派表面淋上滿滿的巧克力醬。當時的名稱為”Chocolate Cream Pie” 或 “Parker House Chocolate Cream Pie”。 因此在國外,不難發現淋著巧克力的波士頓派。
There are two questions that immediately come to mind when you hear Boston Cream Pie. One is "Why is it called a pie?", and the other is "Why the name ' Boston '?". To answer the first question of why "pie" instead of "cake", it is probably because colonists baked their cakes in pie tins as they did not own cake pans. As far as calling it Boston Cream Pie, the story began when a New York newspaper in 1855 published a recipe for a 'Pudding Pie Cake'. This recipe was similar to the Boston Cream Pie recipe of today except that it had a powdered sugar topping. From there we go to Boston where a man named Harvey D. Parker opened a restaurant called the Parker House Restaurant. On the menu was a 'Parker House Chocolate Pie', the recipe to which was similar to the New York newspaper recipe except a chocolate glaze had replaced the powdered sugar topping. We are not sure how it was renamed to 'Boston Cream Pie', but Bo Friberg in his book 'The Professional Pastry Chef' thinks "the name stems from the original title (in the New York paper) combined with the reference to Boston ."
Read more: http://www.joyofbaking.com/BostonCreamPie.html#ixzz0OtTzL0O6